CA Online Poker Legalization Watch
This page is designed to serve as a resource for players who want to closely watch the progress being made by those attempting to achieve legal status for state licensed online poker in California. We chose to add this page to our website at this time because real progress is actually being made on this front, and those supporting the measure are doing everything they can to get key players on board. Supporters are going so far as to hold a conference to raise public awareness. They are also participating in endless discussions and meetings to facilitate necessary compromises by various parties that are critical to the success of this endeavor. Of course those opposed are doing everything they can to stop the possibility as well. The opposition is spending millions of dollars and garnering political support to stop this movement, and they do represent a significant threat to the legalization of state regulated online poker in California.
Should California successfully pass legislation which allows state regulated online poker for California residents and visitors, they will be the fourth state in the Union to legalize online gambling for their residents. They follow Nevada, New Jersey and Delaware who have all recently launched their own online gambling initiatives in 2014. These original three serve as a proving ground that it can be done and done well, and can legitimately provide much needed additional revenue in a down trodden economic climate. California is one of among several states closely watching how NV, NJ and DE fare in their online gambling platforms, and thus far the results have been what everyone was hoping for. With the size of the population in California, they could easily end up with the largest online gambling industry in the nation.
Current legislation being considered includes AB 2291 and SB 1366.
Bad Actor Clause Legally Challenged as Unconstitutional
The Bad Actor clause has been included in both pieces of pending California online poker legislation. It is now being challenged by a Harvard Law Professor as being unconstitutional. This is a very important development as the language in the bill would render PokerStars ineligible to participate in California's potential online poker industry, which has been a cause of dissention among several of the Indian tribes who have already gone into agreement with the well known poker provider. Read the full article.
Status of California Online Poker Legalization as of 05/21/14
Celebratory notions are being expressed throughout the support base for legalizing state licensed online poker sites in California. This is because the primary Indian tribe entities have reached a consensus concerning online poker in CA. This was achieved through a deal that will place a 2 website limit per online poker license, providing an even playing field for smaller Indian enterprises and the large gambling corporations. This put the skeptical tribal groups at ease concerning their potential for success in this new virtual poker playground. The support of the existing gambling industry in the state is crucial to the success of this legislation, which consists primarily of tribal organizations.
The one significant hiccup that still remains with the issue is the 'bad actor' clause. The reason this is an issue is because this rule would eliminate PokerStars from participating in the CA online poker market, and several of the larger tribes have already partnered with them for providing online poker services. There are several ways in which this might be resolved. The one option that the tribes involved are hoping for is the deletion of the rule from the legislation. While this is not the most probable solution, it is still a possibility. A more likely outcome will be a penalty of some type being implemented for those brands which are deemed 'bad actors'. Such a penalty will render those hit with the rule a chance at eligibility once the penalty has been satisfied. The penalty could come by way of a waiting period before becoming eligible, and/or a hefty fee. As discussions take place and agreements are made on this front, we will provide you with the updated information.
Be sure to check back regularly for updated information on the legalization of online poker in California.